Album cover

Caroline Peyton

Mock Up

Born out of Bloomington, Indiana’s Needmore Commune, Mock Up is the drug-damaged hippy stepsister to Joni Mitchell’s Blue. A dark orgasmic love letter between Caroline Peyton and producer Mark Bingham, the sparsely arranged album chronicles the rise and fall of their tumultuous relationship. Peyton’s operatic training complements Mark Gray’s spare piano flourishes and Bingham’s minimal strums, seeming at times to be just another instrument amidst the controlled chaos. Bird calls, laughter, soprano, falsetto…even high-pitched squeals show off Peyton’s dynamic range and control.

Originally issued in 1972, the ten-song album has been expanded to include her three cuts from the Screaming Gypsy Bandits’ In The Eye LP and a live freak-out from the Bandits’ legendary stage show. Enhanced CD contains a contemporaneous short film from an intimate performance at the Hummingbird Café. Quite possibly the hippest record to ever have its cover drawn by the pressing plant’s janitor.