Heavy metal? Glam? Hard rock? Make your own fuckin' call, you poser. We're not gonna do it for you. Bound for Hell is early '80s L.A. rock as it actually was: a California cataclysm of drunk and horny headbangers, dressed in sharp, shiny, leather androgyny and fire, kicking crowds in the teeth to clear the way to that one big shot. Featuring 21 tracks by 21 of the Sunset Strip's most razor-sharp heathens. Available as a 2LP box set with an ephemera-stuffed gatefold and 144-page hardbound book, or a sheer savage CD Wallet, with a 12-panel double-sided poster for those denizens of the compact disc. Drumsticks burned. Hands were severed. Faces bled. Heavy was HELL for a half decade and it was a long, long way down.
Numerogroup.com EXCLUSIVE:
Poser Proof Die Hard Edition on Translucent Red Vinyl w/ Bonus Cassette - Limited to 500 copies .
Bonus cassette includes:
- Black 'N Blue - Rules We're Made To Be Broken
- Lisa Baker - Every Girls Got A Fantasy
- Stormer - Driving
- Odin - Midnight Flight
- Leather Angel - Need Your Love
Don't dress like a poser: LA Metal Shirts available while supplies last